When preparing for a job interview, there are three important steps you will need to think about.

1. Research

Before you go to the interview, try to summarize your relevant qualifications for the job. Ask yourself what you bring to the table, and how you can add value to your potential employer. Make sure that you research the position you’re applying for, and that you have a very clear understanding of which responsibilities and challenges you will face.

Also, do some research on the company you want to join. Check out their website and communication channels to get the best possible understanding of what they do and how they operate. If you want to stand out, look at some of their competitors as well. This will give you an idea of the market your future employer is active in, and how they are positioned within that market.

2. Practice answering questions

Don’t think that you can’t prepare for an interview because you don’t know which questions will be asked. There will always be a little improvisation during the interview, but you can certainly prepare yourself for questions by writing down the ones that are likely to be asked.

When you have prepared such list of possible questions, then go ahead and practise answering them a couple of times. Don’t write down a script, just lock yourself in a room with a mirror and try to formulate an answer to each question that you have written down.

3. Prepare your own questions

It’s important to remember: an interview isn’t only for the employer to see if you are the right person for the job, but also for you to see if this employer is the right fit for you!

Most interviewers will finish by asking if you have any questions for them. You should use this opportunity to ask about any unclear aspects of the job you’re applying for. You might want to know who you’ll be working with, what a regular working week looks like, what the working hours are and whether these are flexible, …. Moreover, one really important question that is rarely asked is: “how do you measure success?”. Do take notes during this part of the interview, it shows your seriousness and motivation.

And finally, do ask at the end of the interview what their ideal candidate looks like and what they think of you!

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