The war for talent is raving, also in Belgium, and large corporations are investing a lot to attract Talent.
Where does that leave the SME?
Recent publications show that almost 40% of SMEs are having increasing difficulties recruiting the right persons for their open positions. And this situation is not getting better, especially given that at least 1/3 of small- and medium sized businesses in Belgium is planning to recruit in the coming three months.
At M18 Executive Search we have intuitively been sensing this trend for some time, even before it became explicit in numbers. How? Because we are increasingly contacted by smaller businesses that are no longer able to attract candidates. Therefore they turn to us to help them improve their inflow, not only regarding the quantity of CVs but also to find quality candidates. Thanks to our many years of experience and proactive recruitment approach we are able to help such companies in reaching those candidates that they were not able to identify and get in touch with themselves.
If you are a small or medium-sized company looking to expand your business and eager to attract talent, read our 4 tips:
- Lose
, show what you stand for as company
- Be an attractive
, be an appealing employer for candidates
- Don’t sit and wait
, be proactive and use your network
- If none of the above tips help and you’re running out of options, do contact
since we are here to help you!
Have we raised your interest? You’ll find more in-depth explanations about each of these tips in the coming weeks…